Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Little Girl

Little girl, why do you cry so?

Dear sir, my mammy has left my daddy
Gone to live with another man
There is a stranger in our home.
My sister does not live here any more
And I am alone.

Little girl, why do you cry so?

Dear sir, the lamb that I play with
Is a new one each year.
I call her Rosie. I forever hear
Her mother crying
And I am alone.

Little girl, why do you cry so?

Dear sir, I do not go where the other girls go,
I do not go to school.
I can count no more than ten.
I play with my lamb,
And I am alone.

Little girl, why do you cry so?

Dear sir, the sun rises in the morning
And dies each night.
Every day I wonder, will it rise again?
I have lost my childhood days
And I am alone.

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